News reports

EU transparency news reports in 2021

Since September 2014, the Open Government in the EU blog scans English-language online news outlets for news on EU transparency. Below, you can find the news digest for 2021.

Central topics in news coverage were opacities caused by the corona pandemic and the rule of law crisis, and the potential reform of the EU’s access to documents regulation.

Euronews correspondent Meabh Mcmahon in front of the European Parliament. Credit: The Drum.
Civil society Oversight

European Ombudsman calls on Commission and Council to take more transparent stance in rule of law crisis

In her acceptance speech of Europe Prize awarded by the University of Flensburg, O’Reilly warns of loss of legitimacy in citizens’ eyes if EU’s rule of law standards are not applied transparently.

Credit: Europa-Universität Flensburg press service.

Call for Expressions of Interest: The Shared Management of EU Funds in Comparative Perspective

Three researchers organise exploratory workshop in Brussels in 28-29 April 2022, with long-term aim of creating research community in the area of NGEU spending implementation.


Council to appeal the Pech judgment

Institution’s step comes after its Legal Service advices member state ambassadors to initiate proceedings, on grounds left invisible to the public.

They’d rather not have their expenditure of EU funds checked for rule of law breaking elements.