
European law professor wins transparency case over EU rule of law policy – again

General Court of the EU rules in favour of European law professor’s access to documents case against the Commission. Inter alia, the latter argued -unsuccessfully- that it could not provide timely and complete access due to temporary staff shortages.

Polish prime minister Donald Tusk and justice minister Adam Bodnar

Research project publishes edited volume on European government transparency

(In)visible European Government: Critical Approaches to Transparency as an Ideal and a Practice, edited by Maarten Hillebrandt, Päivi Leino-Sandberg, and Ida Koivisto, and published today, is hailed as a “foundational text [that] will shape debate for a considerable time in the future”.

Legal reform

“This Is Not a Foreign Agents Law”

The Commission’s New Directive on Transparency of Third Country Lobbying

The European Commission emphasises that the new law does not stigmatise anyone nor involve criminal sanctions. But the more a statement is repeated, the less credible it appears, says Emilia Korkea-aho.


The state of EU access in 2022

Each year, the three core EU institutions, as well as a host of other bodies, publish their annual reports detailing the state of the implementation of Regulation 1049/2001 governing the public’s access to their documents. How did this right fare in 2022?

Photo: European Parliament