
Academic Publications

This list shows all academic publications of the Open Government in the EU research project (Utrecht-Amsterdam, 2010-2017) and the project Transparency in the EU – From Reaction to Manifesto? (Helsinki, 2017-2021) that are directly related  to the topic (and subtopics) of open government in the EU. A number of key conference papers are also displayed in cases where these have not (yet) resulted in formal publications. Last update: Summer 2021.


Maarten Hillebrandt, ‘EU transparency as ‘documents’: still fit for purpose?‘, Politics and Governance 9(1), 292-295 (2021).

Maarten Hillebrandt, Maarten den Heijer, and Kees Groenendijk, ‘Erken het gewicht van de EU en de grondwet’ [Recognise the weight of the EU and the constitution’], Tijdschrift voor Constitutioneel Recht (2021).

Emilia Korkea-aho, ‘Foreign lobbying in the European Union: the limits of transparency regulation?‘, EU Law Live 51, 11-14 (2021).

Päivi Leino-Sandberg and Maarten Hillebrandt, ‘Challenging the EU institutions on transparency – what is the role of academics?‘, EU Law Live 51, 6-10 (2021).


Maarten Hillebrandt, ‘Access to Environmental Information in the EU: A Great Policy No‐One Needs?‘, Journal of Common Market Studies (early view, 2020)

Maarten Hillebrandt, ‘Het Duitse voorzitterschap van de EU-Raad: een kantelpunt voor transparantie van besluitvorming?’ [The German Presidency of the EU: turning point for transparency of decision making?], Nederlands Juristenblad (2020)

Maarten Hillebrandt and Päivi Leino-Sandberg, ‘Administrative and judicial oversight of trilogues’, Journal of European Public Policy (early view, 2020)

Ida Koivisto, ‘Thinking Inside the Box: The Promise and Boundaries of Transparency in Automated Decision-Making 2020’, Academy of European Law, 1 EUI Working Papers (2020), 1-22.

Ida Koivisto, ’Globaalia läpinäkyvyyttä?’ Lakimies (forthcoming, 2020)

Daniel Wyatt, ‘The Anaemic Existence of the Overriding Public Interest in Disclosure in the EU’s Access to Documents Regime‘, 21 German Law Journal 4 (2020), 686-701.


Maija Dahlberg, ‘Increasing Openness of Court Proceedings – Comparative Study on Public Access to Court Documents of the European Courts’, 132 Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap 3-4 (2019), 307–341.

Maija Dahlberg and Daniel Wyatt, ‘Is there a public interest in knowing what is going on in society? A comparative study of the European Courts’, 26 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 5 (2019), 691–712.

Maija Dahlberg, ‘Right of Access to Information and Positive Obligations in the European Convention on Human Rights: Yes or No?’, 4 European Human Rights Law Review (2019), 389–402.

Maarten Hillebrandt (2019), ‘Transparantie in de EU-Raad. Overmijdelijk en onmisbaar? Onverzadelijk en onuitvoerbaar?’, 28 Bestuurskunde 1 (2019), 78-88.

Stéphanie Novak and Maarten Hillebrandt, ‘Analysing the trade-off between transparency and efficiency in the Council of the European Union‘, Journal of European Public Policy (early view, 2019), 1-19.

Ida Koivisto, ‘Transparency, Society and Subjectivity: Critical Perspectives’ Book review, 25 Res Publica 3 (2019), 439-443.

Päivi Leino-Sandberg, ‘Disruptive Democracy: Keeping EU Citizens in a Box’, in Inge Govare and Sasha Garben (eds.), The Future of Constitutional Democracy in Europe – A Legal Assessment (Hart publishing, accepted/in press, 2019), 295-316.

Daniel Wyatt, ‘Is the Commission a ‘Lawmaker’? On the Right of Initiative, Institutional Transparency and Public Participation in Decision-making: ClientEarth‘, 56 Common Market Law Review 825 (2019), 825-841.

Daniel Wyatt, ‘Book Review of Vigjilenca Abazi, Official Secrets and Oversight in the European Union: Law and Practices of Classified Information’, 44 European Law Review 873 (2019), 873-876.

Sam Wrigley and Daniel Wyatt, ‘When Data Protection met Access to Documents’, 44 European Law Review 789 (2019), 789-808.


G.J. Brandsma (2018),”Transparency of EU informal trilogues through public feedback in the European Parliament: promise unfulfilled“, Journal of European Public Policy, early view

D. Curtin (2018), “Second order secrecy and Europe’s legality mosaics“, West European Politics 41(4), 846-848

M.Z. Hillebrandt (2018), “Twenty-five years of access to documents in the Council of the EU: Ever-greater transparency?“, Politique européenne 61(3), pp. 142-173

M.Z. Hillebrandt (2018), “Public Access to Documents in the EU, by L. Rossi and P. Vinagre e Silva”, book review, Journal of Common Market Studies 56(1), p. 205

Päivi Leino-Sandberg, ‘The Principle of Transparency in EU External Relations Law: Does Diplomatic Secrecy Stand a Chance of Surviving the Age of Twitter?’, in Marise Cremona (ed.), Structural Principles in EU External Relations Law (Hart Publishing, 2018), 201-223.

Liisä Leppävirta, ‘Book review of Anna-Sara Lind, Jane Reichel and Inger Österdahl (eds.): Transparency in the future – Swedish Openness 250 Years (Ragulka förlag 2017)’, Förvaltningsrättslig tidskrift, 2/2018.


D. Curtin (2017), “‘Accountable Independence’ of the European Central Bank: Seeing the Logics of Transparency“, European Law Journal 23(1-2), 28-44

D. Curtin, and P. Leino (2017), “In search of transparency for EU law-making: Trilogues on the cusp of dawnCommon Market Law Review 54 (6), pp. 1673–1712

M.Z. Hillebrandt and L. Leppävirta (2017), “On the Administration of Pollution: How Much “Space to Think” May the EU Claim?“, European Journal of Risk Regulation 8(4), pp. 791-797

M.Z. Hillebrandt (2017), “Transparency as a Platform for Institutional Politics: The Case of the Council of the European Union“, Politics and Governance 5(3), pp. 62-74

M.Z. Hillebrandt (2017), Living Transparency. The development of access to documents in the Council of the EU and its democratic implications, doctoral dissertation, University of Amsterdam

L. Leppävirta, and H. Darbishire (2017), “The right to ask…the right to know – The successes and failures in access to documents rules and practices from an NGO perspective”, in P. Leino-Sandberg, C. Harlow, and G. della Cananea (eds), Research Handbook on EU Administrative Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 399-422

E. Korkea-Aho, and P. Leino (2017), “Who owns the information held by EU agencies? Weed killers, commercially sensitive information and transparent and participatory governance“, Common Market Law Review 54(4), 1059-1092

P. Leino (2017), “Secrecy, Efficiency, Transparency in EU Negotiations: Conflicting Paradigms?“, Politics and Governance 5(3), pp. 6-15


M.Z. Hillebrandt and S. Novak (2016), “Integration without transparency’? Reliance on the space to think in the European Council and Council“, Journal of European Integration 38(5), pp. 527-540

D. Curtin (2016), “Open Government in the European Union: A Moving Target”, in S. Blockmans and A. Lazowski (eds) Research Handbook on EU Institutional Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Curtin and M.Z. Hillebrandt (2016), “Transparency in the EU: Constitutional Overtones, Institutional Dynamics, and the Escape Hatch of Secrecy”, in S. Blockmans and A. Lazowski (eds) Research Handbook on EU Institutional Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

S. Douglas and A.J. Meijer (2016), “Transparency and Public Value—Analyzing the Transparency Practices and Value Creation of Public Utilities”, International Journal of Public Administration 39(12), pp. 940-951

E. Ruijer and A.J. Meijer (2016), “National transparency regimes: Rules or principles? A comparative analysis of the United States and the Netherlands”, International Journal of Public Administration 39(11), pp. 895-908


V. Abazi and and M.Z. Hillebrandt (2015), “The legal limits to confidential negotiations: Recent case law developments in Council transparency: Access Info Europe and In ‘t Veld“, Common Market Law Review 52(4), pp. 825-846

A.J. Meijer, P. ’t Hart and B. Worthy (2015), “Assessing government transparency: an interpretive framework”, Administration and Society

A.J. Meijer (2015), “Government transparency in historical perspective: from the ancient regime to open data in the Netherlands“, International Journal of Public Administration 38(3), pp. 189-199


M.Z. Hillebrandt, D. Curtin, and A. Meijer (2014), “Transparency in the EU Council of Ministers: An Institutional Analysis“, European Law Journal 20(1), pp. 1-20

A. Meijer, S. Grimmelikhuijsen, L. Nell, and L. Lentz (2014), “Organizational arrangements for targeted transparency“, Information Polity 19(1-2), pp. 115-127

A. Meijer (2014), “Local Meanings of Targeted Transparency“, Administration Theory & Praxis, 35(3), pp. 398-423

D.M. Curtin (2014), “Overseeing Secrets in the EU. A Democratic Perspective”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 52(3), pp. 684-700

D. Curtin (2014), “The Challenge of Executive Democracy in Europe“, The Modern Law Review, 77(1), pp. 1-32

D.M. Curtin & J.M. Mendes (2014), Article 42 – Right of access to documents. In S. Peers, T. Hervey, J Kenner & A. Ward (Eds.), The Charter of Fundamental Rights – A Commentary (pp. 1099-1119). Oxford: Hart Publishing

M.Z. Hillebrandt (2014), “Two conceptions of democracy in the Council of the EU: narrow and broad, ACELG working paper series 2014-01

Earlier work

D.M. Curtin, H. Hofman and J.M. Mendes, “Constitutionalising EU Executive Rule-Making Procedures: A Research Agenda“, European Law Journal 19(1), pp. 1-21

D. Curtin (2013). Official secrets and the negotiation of international agreements: is the EU executive unbound? Common Market Law Review, 50(2), 423-457

A.J. Meijer (2013), “Understanding the Complex Dynamics of Transparency“, Public Administration Review (early online access)

G.J. Brandsma (2012), “The effect of information on oversight: the European Parliament’s response to increasing information on comitology decision-making”, International Review of the Administrative Sciences, Vol. 78: 1, pp. 74-92.

D.M. Curtin (2012). “Judging EU Secrecy”, Cahiers de Droit Européen, 2012(2), pp. 459-490.

D.M. Curtin (2012), “The Role of Judge-Made Law. A Bumpy Road from Secrecy to Translucence?” In M. Dougan, N. Nic Shuibhne and E. Spaventa (eds), Empowerement and Disempowerement of the EU Citizen (pp. 101-128). Oxford: Hart Publishing.

M. Hillebrandt (2012) “A European Transparency Tangle? Mapping Supranational Advocacy Coalitions and Their Impact on Council Transparency”, paper presented at the Transatlantic Conference on Transparency Research, 6-9 June 2012, Utrecht

B. Leufgen and G.J. Brandsma (2012), “Transparency Dynamics in the EU: Between Law and Practice. Who knows What, When, How“, paper presented at the Transatlantic Conference on Transparency Research, 6-9 June 2012, Utrecht

A.J. Meijer (2012), “Introduction to the special issue on government transparency”, International Review of Administrative Sciences. 78(1) pp. 3–9

A.J. Meijer, D. Curtin and M. Hillebrandt (2012), “Open government: connecting vision and voice”, International Review of Administrative Sciences. 78(1) pp. 10–29

D. Curtin and J. Mendes (2011). Transparence et participation: des principes démocratiques pour l’administration de l’Union Européenne. Revue Française d’Administration Publique, 137-138, pp. 101-121.

D.M. Curtin (2011). Top secret EuropeInaugural lecture delivered upon appointment to the chair of professor of European law (20 October 2011). Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam

M.Z. Hillebrandt (2011), “Opening up: The Council’s changing discourse on transparency of the European Union” (master’s thesis, Utrecht University)

G.J. Brandsma, D. Curtin, B. Leufgen, A. Meijer (2010), “Studying Open Government in the European Union: From Normative Debates to Empirical Fact-Finding”, Paper prepared for the ECPR/SGEU conference, Oporto, 23-26 June 2010. NB: Work in progress.

A. Meijer (2009), “Understanding modern transparency”, IRAS (75)2, pp. 255-269.

G.J. Brandsma, D. Curtin and A. Meijer (2008), “How Transparent are EU ‘Comitology’ Committees in Practice?” in European Law Review (14)6, pp. 819-838.

A. Meijer(2007), “Does Transparency lead to more Compliance? Critical Remarks on the Relation between Transparency and Compliance”, EFFL (5), pp. 264-269.

A. Meijer (2007), “Publishing public performance results on the Internet: Do stakeholders use the Internet to hold Dutch public service organizations to account?”, Government Information Quarterly (24), pp. 165-185.

D. Curtin and A. Meijer (2006), “Does Transparency Strengthen Legitimacy?”, in Information Polity

A. Meijer (2005), “Transparent Government Inspections: Using the Internet to Strengthen Civic Competence?”, conference paper.

D. Curtin and A. Meijer (2005), “Five Myths of European Union Transparency: Deliberation through the Looking Glass?, Paper presented at the Special workshop on Deliberative Democracy and Its Discontents

Meijer, A. (2003), “Transparent Government: Parliamentary and Legal Accountability in an Information Age”, Information Polity (8)1/2, pp. 67-78.

Curtin, “Transparency, Audiences and the Evolving Role of the EU Council of Ministers” (book chapter)