After a year of postponement, the 7th edition of the GCTR, organised by Copenhagen Business School, takes place from 18-20 May under the banner “Rethinking Transparency: Challenging Ideals and Embracing Paradoxes”.
The 7th GCTR, originally planned to take place in May 2021 at the Copenhagen Business School, has been postponed for a year due to ongoing virological and logistical concerns related to the corona pandemic. The newly set date is 18-20 May 2022.

The 7th Global Conference on Transparency Research will be held from 19-21 May at the Copenhagen Business School. This edition of the conference is entitled “Rethinking Transparency: Challenging Ideals and Embracing Paradoxes”.

The fifth Global Conference on Transparency Research has been announced.
It is due to take place at the University of Limerick, Ireland, from 19-21 June 2017. The organisation this time is in the hands of an tricontinental team of researchers from the Universities of Limerick, Baltimore (USA), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and Makerere (Kampala, Uganda).