Oversight Research

ECI researcher provides expert testimony in Dutch Parliament’s European Affairs Committee

Round table on EU information provision hears Aidan O’Sullivan (European Ombudsman), Maarten Hillebrandt (Eric Castrén Institute and Meijers Committee) and Mendeltje van Keulen (Hague University of Applied Science) provide testimony on public access to documents and parliamentary scrutiny.

Photo: screen shot from Debat Gemist
Civil society

Meijers Committee organises seminar on democratic challenges of EU intransparency

Committee of legal experts invites EU transparency policy stakeholders for an exchange of views on concepts, objectives, and pressing issues of the day.

Civil society

Meijers Committee publishes note on proliferation of ‘WK’ documents in the Council

Expert committee voices concern about the consequences of informal Council document category for transparency law and the democratic legitimacy of EU legislation.

Implementation Oversight Research

Presentations and discussions on EU transparency across North-Western Europe

During the coming months, several presentations and/or discussions on transparency of the European Union are planned in which members of the Open Government project or affiliated researchers take part.

The Thorbecke Room of the Dutch House of Representatives.