Civil society Implementation

Dutch Presidency of the EU to host “transparency unconference”

The Dutch government, which currently holds the Presidency of the EU, has recently announced that it will host a “transparency unconference” in Amsterdam on 1 June.


Brussels workshop on the role of confidentiality in international negotiations

On Friday 12 February, CERIM (Maastricht) will host a workshop on ‘The Law and Politics of Confidential EU Negotiations’ at the UM Campus in Brussels.


Successful Fourth Global Conference on Transparency Research held in Lugano

From 4-6 June, the Fourth Global Conference on Transparency Research was held at the Università dela Svizzera italiana in Lugano.


Transparency research activities

On March 10 and 11, L’Institut du Monde et du Développement pour la Bonne Gouvernance Publique (IMODEV) at the Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, organizes an international symposium on government transparency. The conference, entitled “Freedom of Information, and Governmental Transparency, in the Open Government Era” aims to bring both social scientists and lawyers from across the Atlantic together to discuss the state of the art in the area of government transparency. More information can be found on the IMODEV website.

In Spain, Miguel Ángel Blanes recently defended a dissertation on access to information in the field of law. It has now been published by Thomson-Reuters/Arandi, under the title “La transparencia informativa de las Administraciones públicas”. More information can be found here. Dr. Blanes works for the Ombudsman of the region of Valencia.