
Paris workshop to explore court lobbying

Scholars will address the conceptualisation, potentialities, and risks of lobbies that target courts.

News reports

EU transparency news reports in 2022

Since September 2014, the Open Government in the EU blog scans English-language online news outlets for news on EU transparency. Below, you can find the news digest for 2022.

Central topics in news coverage were opacities caused by the corona pandemic and the rule of law crisis, and the potential reform of the EU’s access to documents regulation.

Photo credit: Reuters

General Court of the EU reverses Council’s decision to refuse access to legislative documents in an ongoing decision making process

In a recent court judgment (De Capitani v Council), the General Court of the EU finds that the Council erroneously relied on the access to documents regulation (Regulation 1049/2001) to refuse access to Council working party documents pertaining to an ongoing legislative decision-making procedure in order to protect the negotiation process, Dutch Foreign Ministry experts observe.

Emilio De Capitani

Transparency goes digital in the EU —What is it good for?

As the EU turns to the regulation of artificial intelligence through transparency, a critical perspective is more needed than ever, Ida Koivisto argues.