Notary Agreement Sample

If you`re looking for a notary agreement sample, you`ve come to the right place. A notary agreement is a legally binding document signed between a notary public and their clients. It outlines the terms and conditions of the notary`s services, including their responsibilities and liabilities.

Here`s what you can expect to find in a notary agreement:

1. Identifying information

The notary agreement will start by identifying both parties – the notary, and their client. This will include their names, addresses, and contact information.

2. Terms of service

The notary agreement will outline the terms of the services provided by the notary. This includes the duties of the notary, the scope of their services, and the fees charged.

3. Notary`s responsibilities

The notary agreement will clearly define the responsibilities of the notary, including verifying the identity of the signer, witnessing the signing of documents, and ensuring that the signer understands the terms of the document they are signing.

4. Client`s responsibilities

The notary agreement will also outline the responsibilities of the client, which typically include providing valid identification, bringing the necessary documents, and paying the notary`s fees.

5. Liability

The notary agreement will include a section on liability, outlining the notary`s responsibilities in the event of errors or omissions. This may include a limit on the amount of liability the notary assumes.

By signing a notary agreement, you can ensure that both parties are on the same page regarding the terms and conditions of the notary`s services. This can help to prevent disputes and miscommunications down the line.

In conclusion, if you require the services of a notary public, it`s important to have a notary agreement in place. This document will outline the terms and conditions of the services provided, and can help to protect both the notary and their client. By using a notary agreement sample as a reference, you can ensure that your agreement is comprehensive and legally binding.