Agreement for Assignment of Inventions

Agreement for Assignment of Inventions: What You Need to Know

An Agreement for Assignment of Inventions is a legal document that outlines the transfer of ownership of intellectual property rights from the inventor(s) to the owner(s) of the invention. This agreement is usually required by employers to protect their intellectual property and ensure that they have full ownership and control over the inventions created by their employees.

If you are an inventor, it is important to understand the implications of signing an Agreement for Assignment of Inventions. Here are some key things that you need to know:

What is an Agreement for Assignment of Inventions?

An Agreement for Assignment of Inventions is a legal contract that ensures that any intellectual property (IP) created during the scope of employment or for the company belongs to the employer. The agreement typically covers any inventions, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, or other types of intellectual property that are created by employees or contractors working for the company.

Why do companies require an Agreement for Assignment of Inventions?

Companies require an Agreement for Assignment of Inventions to help protect their intellectual property, gain full ownership and control over any inventions created by employees, and ensure that they can take legal action against any unauthorized use of their IP.

If an employee creates an invention using the company`s time, resources, equipment, or trade secrets that belong to the company, then the company has a legal right to own that invention. The Agreement for Assignment of Inventions ensures that there is no dispute over ownership of intellectual property.

What are the key terms of an Agreement for Assignment of Inventions?

The key terms of an Agreement for Assignment of Inventions typically include the following:

– Definition of intellectual property: The agreement should clearly define what types of intellectual property are covered, such as inventions, patents, copyrights, trade secrets, or any other type of IP.

– Ownership: The agreement should state that the employer will own all IP created by the employee during the scope of employment or for the company.

– Employee responsibilities: The agreement should state that the employee will disclose all inventions or other IP created during the scope of employment or for the company.

– Confidentiality and non-disclosure: The agreement should include provisions to protect the company`s trade secrets and other confidential information.

– Termination: The agreement should specify what happens to the IP if the employee leaves the company and whether the employee has any rights to the IP.

What are the implications of signing an Agreement for Assignment of Inventions?

If you sign an Agreement for Assignment of Inventions, you are giving up your rights to any IP that you create during the scope of employment or for the company. This means that you cannot use or disclose any of that IP without the company`s permission. The agreement also usually contains confidentiality and non-disclosure provisions, which can limit your ability to share your work with others or even start your own business in the same field.


An Agreement for Assignment of Inventions is a necessary legal document for companies to protect their intellectual property. If you are an inventor, it is important to understand the implications of signing such an agreement. You should carefully review the agreement before signing it and consult with a legal professional if necessary to ensure that you understand your rights and obligations.