
Transparency research activities

On March 10 and 11, L’Institut du Monde et du Développement pour la Bonne Gouvernance Publique (IMODEV) at the Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, organizes an international symposium on government transparency. The conference, entitled “Freedom of Information, and Governmental Transparency, in the Open Government Era” aims to bring both social scientists and lawyers from across the Atlantic together to discuss the state of the art in the area of government transparency. More information can be found on the IMODEV website.

In Spain, Miguel Ángel Blanes recently defended a dissertation on access to information in the field of law. It has now been published by Thomson-Reuters/Arandi, under the title “La transparencia informativa de las Administraciones públicas”. More information can be found here. Dr. Blanes works for the Ombudsman of the region of Valencia.


Presentations on Council democracy & transparency

Early March sees two presentations on the interactions between transparency, democracy, and governance in the Council of the EU, in Lausanne and Brussels.


On Wednesday 4 March, Open Government in the EU team member Maarten Hillebrandt will give a presentation at the University of Lausanne with the title “Babylonian speech confusion? Transparency’s Role in EU Council Democracy”. The presentation will take place in the context of the spring seminar series “Politique Suisse – enjeux et dilemmes”, convened by the Laboratoire d’analyse de la gouvernance et de l’action publique en Europe (LAGAPE), where Maarten is currently a visiting researcher. See here for more information.

On Thursday 5 March, dr. Stéphanie Novak (Université Catholique de Lille/EHESS Paris) will present work on the relation between transparency and decisional efficiency at the ESPOL Lille/ULB Brussels conference on “The quality of democracy within institutions and organisations”. Click on the flyer for more information.


EU Ombudsman puts pressure on the Commission to improve transparency of expert groups

EU Ombudsman, Emily O’Reilly, has recently demanded improvements in the Commission’s practice of consulting Expert Groups.