Legal reform

Presidency sponsorship guidelines watered down at last minute

Previous-day version of textual proposal shows expansive language removed from finally adopted guidelines.

Legal reform

Council adopts new voluntary guidelines on Presidency sponsorship

Guidelines contain non-compelling language and continue to suggest that the Presidency is not part of the Council.

In 2019, the Romanian Presidency caused a stir when it accepted sponsorship from sugary fizzy-drink producer Coca-Cola.
Legal reform

IIA on a ‘mandatory’ lobby register published in the Official Journal

Publication concludes a negotiating process that lasted more than four years. Critics still see many obstacles to the proper public scrutiny of lobbyists’ influence on EU decision making.

Representatives of the three institutions announce the conclusion of the negotiations for the IIA on mandatory lobby transparency in December 2020.
Legal reform

Council approves transparency register package; signing of IIA imminent

Much-maligned interinstitutional agreement on a mandatory transparency register soon to be published in the Official Journal.

The institutions shake hands on lobbying transparency.