Legal reform

Further development of the EMU – should legitimacy come first or last?

schrank-castleBy Päivi Leino-Sandberg

The June 2012 European Council adopted a report setting out ‘four essential building blocks’ for the future Economic and Monetary Union (EMU): an integrated financial framework, an integrated budgetary framework, an integrated economic policy framework and, finally, strengthened democratic legitimacy and accountability (1). In its discussions, the European Council stressed that:
Throughout the process, the general objective remains to ensure democratic legitimacy and accountability at the level at which decisions are taken and implemented. Any new steps towards strengthening economic governance will need to be accompanied by further steps towards stronger legitimacy and accountability. (2)

EUI transparency workshop leads to publication

Last year in January, the European University Institute organised a roundtable on transparency and archiving, on the occassion of the EU’s archive management being transferred to the EUI.


Seminar on Transparency and Archives in the EU reveals a wide range of views

A seminar was held at the European Union Institute in Florence on 25 January 2013 with the title: “Transparency and Access to the Records and Archives of the EU Institutions”.