News reports

Transparency news reports in 2017

Since September 2014, the Open Government in the EU blog scans English-language online news outlets for news on EU transparency. Please find below the news digest for 2017.

See also the news report digests for 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015 (first quarter, second quarter, and second half), and 2014 (last quarter).

14/04/17//Politico: A transparent Brexit?

24/04/17// European Law Blog: Implementation of the Aarhus Convention by the EU – An Inconvenient Truth from the Compliance Committee

24/05/17// EUObserver: Transparency complaints keep EU Ombudsman busy

18/06/17// EUObserver: Inside the Code of Conduct, the EU’s most secretive group

04/07/17// EUObserver: Lobbying transparency enhances MEPs’ freedom

25/08/17// Politico: Brussels Influence: Transparency is bad for democracy — Monsanto fights back

28/08/17// European Law Blog: Well Into the Third Act: The Way Forward on Public Access to EU Documents

18/10/17// Euractiv: It’s high time the Council joins the EU’s Transparency Register rules

16/11/17// Dutch Parliament: 16/11/17// Dutch Parliament: Opening up closed doors: making the EU more transparent for its citizens. Paper from the Dutch COSAC delegation on EU transparency

23/11/17// Euractiv: Balancing secrecy and openness, the EU strives for transparency

28/11/17// Euractiv: Excessive complexity hinders transparency of lawmaking

01/12/17// Euractiv: Hübner: The European Union is more transparent than national governments

13/12/17// Council of the EU: More transparency on EU decision-making: new register of delegated acts

17/12/17// Malta Independent: Malta among main opponents of EU bid for increased transparency on trusts and companieson EU talks

18/12/17// Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Nieuw online register van gedelegeerde handelingen bevordert transparantie EU-besluitvorming

18/12/17// EUObserver: EU ombudsman asks Tusk for more transparency