
The state of EU access in 2022

Each year, the three core EU institutions, as well as a host of other bodies, publish their annual reports detailing the state of the implementation of Regulation 1049/2001 governing the public’s access to their documents. How did this right fare in 2022?

Photo: European Parliament

Making it seem better than it is

Comparison of European Parliament’s and the Council’s access to documents annual reports reveals discrepancies in the information shared, Sofia Sormunen shows.


Annual report underlines EU transparency obligations – even in times of Covid

European Ombudsman report reaffirms central place of all matters related to transparency in EU watchdog’s work.

Keeping an eye on EU Covid governance.

Inquiry of Council measures during pandemic finds transparency gaps – but also improvements

Ombudsman considers that initial Council measures were “not in line with the Treaty” and regrets transparency gaps, but stops short of declaring maladministration.

Dutch data journalist Daniël Verlaan hacks a remote Council meeting in November 2020. Credit: Politico.